Greenvissage Explains - September 2023

Greenvissage explains – September 2023 edition

Greenvissage explains, How is the PM-Pranam scheme revolutionizing agriculture in India? In the Union Budget 2023–24, the Indian government unveiled a game-changing initiative called the Prime Minister’s Programme for Restoration, Awareness, Nourishment, and Amelioration of Mother Earth (PM PRANAM). The scheme aims to promote the balanced use of chemical and…
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Import Process

Greenvissage explains – August 2023 edition

Greenvissage explains, Why did the Indian Government restrict the import of laptops and computers? In a significant move aimed at boosting domestic manufacturing and self-reliance in the technology sector, the Indian government recently announced restrictions on the import of laptops and computers. This decision has raised several questions about its…
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ODOP programme

Greenvissage explains – July 2023 edition

Greenvissage explains, What is the One District, One Product (ODOP) programme? The One District One Product (ODOP) initiative, implemented by the Government of India, seeks to identify and promote unique indigenous products from different districts across the country. The primary objective is to enhance the skills and productivity of local…
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Bank's operating system

Greenvissage explains – June 2023 edition

Greenvissage explains, How does the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) make money? The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) holds a pivotal role in India’s financial system, ensuring stability and fostering economic growth. While many people are aware of the RBI’s regulatory functions, few understand how it generates revenue. One of…
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Mutual funds performance

Greenvissage explains – May 2023 edition

Greenvissage explains, Why should mutual funds shift to performance-based fees? As India’s mutual fund industry continues to grow, investors have become increasingly aware of the risks associated with investing in mutual funds. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has already made some changes to mutual fund regulations, including…
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Green bonds

Greenvissage explains – April 2023 edition

Greenvissage explains, Why are Green bonds increasingly becoming popular? Issuing green bonds can provide companies and governments with access to capital while simultaneously promoting environmental initiatives. In essence, a green bond is a financial instrument that allows a company or government to borrow money from investors at a lower interest…
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Health insurance

Greenvissage explains – February 2023 edition

Greenvissage explains, Is a critical illness plan a better option than independent health insurance? Life insurance policies offer a variety of riders or simply add-ons which can be helpful if understood properly. However, most insurance agents focus on selling the policy rather than explaining the same. Hence, people are often…
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Insurance agent and insured person

Greenvissage explains – January 2023 edition

Greenvissage explains, What are sum assured and sum insured in an insurance policy? Life insurance policies make a big difference in one’s long-term financial planning. The insurance policy is a contract between the policyholder and the insurance company which guarantees a certain amount to the insured person’s family, in the…
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