
Transfer Pricing Reporting Requirements in India

With globalisation, it has become a universal phenomenon for Multinational Organisations to have branches, subsidiaries or divisions in more than one country. This exposes the group to different tax regimes in different tax jurisdictions. Thus, managing the taxes and complying with regulations becomes a challenging task, except some organisations use…
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Background of Equalisation Levy

Equalisation levy is an unilateral measure to tax some digital activities. It was introduced in Finance Act 2016 with the intention of taxing the digital transactions i.e. the income accruing to foreign e-commerce companies from India. To tackle taxation issues in transaction conducted in cyber space, equalisation levy has been…
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Complete Guide to Transfer Pricing Documentation in India

Imagine a business world without documentation – no invoice for purchases, no statements from banks, no agreements, no records,in short, a complete mess? There are television series which depict such situations and even the directors couldn’t imagine a less horrifying world. Trade and commerce thrive on documentation and records. No…
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